Sunday 23 March 2014

Primark, Newlook +others.

So As I said last time, I was away at the weekend, and may have spent just a bit of money. Oops, it was all in good cause so no worries! Hehe. I was in Inverness with my two best friends for a birthday weekend which was great! Being just the three of us with no adults made me feel really mature, I suppose it was just the though of being trusted so much by my parents and their parents. On the Friday night we went for a meal at a Chinese restaurant which was unreal. Such good and authentic Chinese food (Which i'm really craving now), then on the Saturday morning it was breakfast at Starbucks, what better!! A cappuccino and a Salmon Bagel later we all headed to the shopping cent re and shopped to our hearts content followed by a Chicken Tikka Sandwich with Jalapeno and Hot chilli sauce from subway! YUM! We then went for a birthday meal and presented my friend Rebecca with a chocolate cake and a lovely 3 course meal! The great weekend made for a very upsetting journey home as none of us wanted to go home! 

So I started off in Primark, a used to be cheap shop where socks were 50p and tee's were £1.50 but now it seems the 50p pairs of socks have gone up to £3.00 and the Tee £6.00. But never mind, the amount of clothes you can get really does help to fill out a wardrobe with nice, cheap pieces! 
So, to start off the lighting is terrible in this picture! But no worries, you can still get and idea off everything i bought. Not everything here is from Primark, I got a few skirts and tops from New Look and H&M! All the pieces I bought are very summery and as you can tell I also picked up a few bikini's (but I will tell you why in a few blog post times!) I've tried on all pieces and they are all so comfortable, I absolutely adore everything I got. If you would like me to do a lookbook then feel free to comment as I would love to do one! I ended up buying a bit more than I though which showed on my bank balance.. oopsies!

See you soon! x

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